Gehennas x Thunderstrike
Lunacy are recruiting for TOTGC and beyond:
We're in need of 2x DPS to finalize our roster and are recruiting the following:
Enhance Shaman
Elemental Shaman
Any of the above classes & specs fit our team.
However, if you believe you are a strong, skilled player then we advise you to apply to the guild regardless of our recruitment status.
What We Offer:
Competent leadership, with 6+ years guild management under our belts.
A strong core, with some members playing together for 7+ years.
Extensive preparation for both new and current raids.
Productive raid nights. We will do everything we can to ensure quick clears, utilizing our limited timeframe.
A fun environment, full of banter, memes and good laughs.
A community where people play both Classic and retail, other games that aren't WoW, sit and chat and just have fun together.
Our Schedule:
As we also raid on retail WoW three nights a week, we only raid one night per week in Lunacy.
Our designated night is either Friday 9pm-12am or Saturday 9pm-12am (server time).
The day we raid will change based on the availability of all members each reset.
These times will never change for our 10-man team.
We also host optional 25-man pugs throughout the tier.
How To Apply:
As a guild we are always looking for new players to bolster our ranks. If semi-hardcore 10-man content with friends sounds like something you would personally be interested in, then please fill in the application form below to apply.
Alternatively, please contact Xora (GM/RL) via Discord: Xora. or Battletag: Xora#21762 or join the Lunacy Discord for more information!